Porg Planet Discovery

A 100 word Sci-Fi flash fiction short for Contrary Brin’s Blog – “What Happens to Starman and the Red Roadster?

Porg Planet Discovery

“Weeeee,” squealed diminutive Porglets slipping over bright red curves, bouncing onto the fresh-turned soil.

“Protected nesting benches…with padding,” females cooed, already squabbling over territory.

Gazing into a curved, black surface, males admired their stout feathered bodies and luminous eyes as they fluttered wings. “We can preen before mating,” they commented while relaxing their bowls on the squishy white perch.

An aggressive Porg chomped at five small twigs on the opposite branch. “Tastes like chicken,” he declared.

Three more crowded beneath the see-through wall warming webbed feet on the tight shelf.

“We claim this palace!” stated the murder.






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